
Michael's last practice at Bessyonuma Park

I can't remember the last time the weather was decent... it's been really cold and rainy.
The last two practices, only a few men came to run. Today we had 13 people showed up including two 2 comers,
one from Hiroshima. She's on a business trip.

Anyway, today was the last day of practice for Michael. He's going back to Australia!
He's lost 4kg since he joined! so SRC's diet program has been working well for him! but not for me...
I want to lose 5kg... I've been eating too much. lol

anyway, one announcement.
this saturday, an acupuncturist from Uchida chiryoin is going to come to our training session.
He should be able to assist or help anyone who's injured.
so feel free to come join this saturday!!

3 件のコメント:

  1. yes! it was really nice weather indeed! Good to see so many Saitama runners. Thanks for letting us know about the acupuncturist. It sounds interesting.

  2. coquus
    what does coquus mean by the way?
    yes, it's really nice to run with a bigger group. hope i can double the number in a few months!
    if you come tomorrow, you should talk to him!
    he's a interesting guy!

  3. Dear Mr.Michael

    Thank you for coming SRC.
    I enjoyed running with you.
    We'll all miss you.
    Take care of yourself.
    And keep your weight!!

    See you June.
    By morodome
